The Birth of Kyla Rae
Late last year Dominique asked me if I’d be interested in documenting the birth of her little girl Kyla at The Genesis Birthing Clinic. I am doing a Baby’s First Year with her. I was a little taken a back but also so excited to be able to capture such an amazing and intimate experience.
I needed to be on call over the festive season but Kyla was only scheduled to make her appearance in January. On the 8th of January it was a Sunday morning, around 7am I got an sms from Dominique, her water had just broken, it was time. I was so excited, she said to me that she would keep me updated and let me know when I needed to come through.
That day I went and had lunch at Norio’s (my hubby) family, The whole day staring at my phone waiting for that call to come through. At 7pm Dom phoned to tell me that I should leave in an hour then I’d be there in time. So 8pm came and I got in the car, making sure I had everything I needed. It was storming that night and the rain was coming down hard. A trip that should have taken 30min ended up taking me an hour because I drove slow to make sure I got there in 1 piece.
When I arrived the rain had lightened and it was so quiet at Genesis. 9Pm at night will do that to a place hehehe.
Everyone was so welcoming to me, it really was so amazing to be there during this amazing experience. This is going to be a long post, please bear with me
Henny placing an electode device to help relieve the labour pains, totally needed hehehe
Throughout the evening they tested Kyla’s heartbeat
Sean being wondurfully supportive, what a wonderful moment between them
Dominique not liking the way something sounds…
And then laughing hehehe
Christy being super supportive, it was amamzing the amount of support Dominique had around her. She has know Christy for most of her life ♥
Joking around in between contractions, was very funny
This is one of my favourite pics, the emotion, the intensity is amazing
Dominique gets into the water to prepare for a water birth. The water helps relieve some of the pain of natural birth
Christy was so tired after a couple of shifts and was passing out on the bed hehehe
at around 12 midnight Henny calls for an emergancy ceaser because Kyla turned up and won’t be coming out naturally
Being wheeled into the operating room
Proud Daddy waiting for his little girl
Kyla Rae was born at 1:15 am
Weighing in at 4.09kg
At 2:30 I left the olfsen family to enjoy their newest member. I was on such an adrenalin rush I coudl only fall asleep at 4am. This really is something amazing to witness and I feel very privilaged to have been able to give this wonderful family these memories ♥