Birth of baby Daniel
Not every family is born the same way, some parents fight hard to bring their family in to being Here is a story of such a family.
Sweet little Daniel came earthside early, much to his family's surprise. His Mommy and Daddy had gone to extraordinary lengths to create their little family, by having a family member carry Daniel. This is known as surrogacy, and is one of the most incredible gifts a family can receive. As they call their surrogate their stork (Antoinette) , she is a family member, which is normally unusual, but this family is incredibly close, and wouldn't have had it any other way.
On the early hours of the 28th of November, over 2 weeks before his scheduled arrival, Daniel decided he was finished growing in his stork's tummy, and he wanted to come earth side to meet his incredibly loving family. After Antoinette's water had broken, they had rushed through to the hospital to have Daniel checked out, and it was clear he was on his way. While everything at home was turned upside down with renovations, Mommy and Daddy had to scramble to get things ready for their sweet little boy. Even with the scrambling, excitement filled the air.
I met up with the excited parents and some of the family members later that morning to witness a beautiful gift, an amazing miracle and the birth of this incredible family.
PS: Some hospitals do not allow theater access to photographers, but with the correct settings on my camera mom or dad can snap some photos in theater for me to edit and add to their birth story. So you can still have beautiful images of your baby's first breath
While waiting for Daniel's arrival, the family laughed and joked, they couldn't believe the time had arrived so quickly.
Between 2 rooms, Mommy and Daddy were preparing the room for after Daniel arrived, while their stork rested up in the labour room. Waiting to be wheeled into theater.
Mommy was between laughter and happy tears, knowing soon she would be able to hold her little boy in her arms.
Daddy was lighthearted and comforting to everyone, a truly special Daddy.
Ilze's Mom had recently undergone surgery, but wasn't about to miss the birth of her beautiful grandson 😀
One of my favourite moments of the day, in a room full of loved ones, Ilze looks to Rick, and in that moment you can see the love and excitement of how their lives are about to change forever.
And in this moment Mommy's face says it all
Grandpa gives Dad a last little word before he goes to meet his sweet baby boy
From this point Mommy took my camera into theater, and I snapped some photos of the family waiting in the family room
And just in that moment baby Daniel was born
In this moment Antoinette meets the baby she had carried For this very proud Mommy and Daddy
In the waiting room, the family eagerly awaited their first look of baby Daniel
Everyone received work Daniel was born and was doing well
The new family of three came out of theater and everyone laid eyes on this handsome little miracle.
We got a lovely group photo with Daniel still in the incubator.
Baby Daniel needed to go into NICU for some observation, but the family celebrations didn't end there...
A beautiful moment between Mommy and her stork what a beautiful gift
An incredibly proud Mommy shares videos of her baby boy.
At this point I left the family to settle in. We didn't know how long Daniel would be in NICU, so I waited at home to find out. 2 days after Daniel made his surprise early appearance he came out of NICU and I was their to welcome him.
Unfortunately Daddy wasn't able to be there because he was seeing to the renovations at home, so that they would be done before Daniel came home
Now Mommy gets to cuddle non stop
Master Daniel as he is affectionately known was just perfect, from head to toe
Mommy just couldn't' get enough of his sweet little face
Here Daniel is laying with a very special bracelet that Mommy and Daddy had specially made for their amazing stork, a symbol of their gratitude.
As we sat marveling over this incredible baby boy, Mommy got an email with the pic of the 2 embryo's that were implanted into her stork. One of these embryo's became Daniel. An incredible contrast, and amazing moment to be witness to.
Surrounded by love
Just a mommy and her baby boy